
According to research

i made survey sheet using general questions written by sayuri, so you can answer here.(http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=igCc1KyAdcWD8y7faaeERA_3d_3d)

i searched about countries where abortion is legal. You can see here. (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/AbortionLawsMap.png)

i thought that the restriction of abortion is vague. In Japan(and some countries) it's regarded as legal in some cases,but how can we define it's legal or not? In Japan, the legal aborton is called 'therapeutic abortion'.(one of the ways of abortion to save mother from health problem) According to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 276,352 numbers of abortion were used in Japan, in 2006. Then, are all of these abortions because of mothers' health problem? i don't think so. i feel a clear regulation is very necessary.

3 件のコメント:

♡タエたん♡ さんのコメント...

I was surprised at the so many number of abortion. And I agree with you. Not all cases of abortion were done becuase of mothers' health problem. Some reglation are needed to prevent people from seeing abortion is easy or doing abortion freely.

Harurin51 さんのコメント...

I also think all those abortion can`t be define it`s legal or not. But if all cases of abortion are prohibited by leagl, what will parents who don't want their baby do?

jodias さんのコメント...

I think you ask some excellent questions in your survey, but I strongly recommend that you add 'nationality' and, possibly, 'religion' to your demographic items at the beginning. Religion is closely tied to why many people oppose abortion.

Without asking about nationality, your results will be much less interesting and it will be impossible to make cross-cultural comparisons.
Joseph Dias