
Questions we'll try to answer.

I'll list up questions below that was given ideas by Mr. Dias and our classmates as it might make us easier to answer.

Questions about specific facts
・In which countries is abortion legal?
・When were abortions first performed?
・Did countries make abortion illegal for similar reasons?
・What is the estimate for the number of illegal abortions performed in countries like the Philippines, where abortion is against the law?
・What are the risks involved in illegal abortions compared with legal ones?
・Does abortion affect the mother's body (mother's health)?
・How much does it cost to have abortion in Japan?

General questions that don't necessarily have clear or easy answers
・Is abortion the same as murder?
・Should a woman who gets an illegal abortion be fined or sent to jail?
・Should it be necessary for the man who got a woman pregnant to give consent for an abortion?
・Should minors have to get consent from their parents before an abortion is carried out?
・Abortion = taking away the baby's life.What is life? Is there any law that states what a life is?
・Is there any connection between the thought of abortion and baby post( akachan post)? If so, what are the reasons for such thought to be hold?
・Why some women want to have abortion?
・Does the general idea of abortion differ between religion?

1 件のコメント:

jodias さんのコメント...

I'm very glad that you organized all the questions in one posting. It's useful for staying organized and systematically researching the various questions. This is an excellent listing of the key questions related to your issue. Hopefully, they will make your job of gathering information and views on the topic easier.