
How much does it cost to have abortion in Japan?

There is a difference in cost needed to have abortion depending on the weeks of pregnancy because the treatment will be different.
According to Kanda Sanfujinka Hospital site, if mother was...

1. 5~11weeks pregnant
cost: 85,000 yen
hospitalized: no need to stay. Can go home in 2~3 hours.

2. 12~15 weeks pregnant
cost: 240,000 yen
hospitalized: need to stay 1 night.

3. 16~19 weeks pregnant
cost: 380,000 yen
hospitalized: need to stay 1 night.

4. 20~21 weeks pregnant
need to be considered to have surgery.

5. 22 weeks pregnant or more weeks pregnant
impossible to have surgery.

3 件のコメント:

♡タエたん♡ さんのコメント...

I think tha cost of abortion for 5~11 weeks pregnant is a little cheap.And I was shocked to know they don't need to stay hospital. So, I'm afraid that young people regard abortion is easy to do.

jodias さんのコメント...

This is very interesting information! I had no idea that the cost of an abortion varied so much in price depending on how far along the woman is in her pregnancy. I suppose different procedures are necessary--and they become more complicated and risky--as the fetus develops.

Many of my students have researched this topic in the past but they never reported this fascinating information before. I think it's also important to note that Japan's national health insurance does not cover the cost of an abortion. In some other countries, it is covered by national health insurance. Can you find out some details about this?

Joseph Dias

Gaumau さんのコメント...

thanks... very useful information.